I am a horrid planner. How I ended up Cub Master, I'll never know. People tell me how organized I am based on small windows of perfection. It's a ruse, I tell ya! I have everyone fooled.
Two months in a row now, I haven't had my planning sheet at pack meeting. Last month, I left it on my bed and was able to have my daughter take some pictures of it and text them to me. This month, I couldn't find it amid the reality of my chaos. I decided I need to do something better. The boys deserve better. I deserve better. So, with inspiration from some Pinterest pins, this is my end result. I hope it works for you as much as I'm sure it will work for me. There is two versions of this booklet. One for LDS units and one for other chartered groups. If you're not sure, the LDS does not utilize the Tiger portion of Cub Scouts. Specify which pdf you'd like and I'll email the file of this. It's already set in a booklet format. All you need to make sure of is that page 1 has page 2 printed on the back, page 3 has page 4, and so on. I did realize tonight there isn't a space for the Bobcat rank advancement on the planning sheets for the booklet. I'll add that for next year as I'll update the calendar.
I'm already excited at the fact that there will be less to prep before each committee meeting because of this. And maybe I'll quit losing my papers (and my mind).